Emergency Survival Bag - 72 Hours for 4 People

Last checked price £170.00


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  • 72-HOUR EMERGENCY BAG FOR FOUR PERSONS: contains food, water and tools needed for 72 survival hours after a disaster.
  • HIGH QUALITY SUPPLIES: 24 food servings, 48 water packs, 1 first aid kit, 4 emergency blankets, 8 lightsticks and more.
  • SAVE TIME AND MONEY: the backpack contains all needed supplies in case of catastrophe.
  • LIGHT AND HEAT SOURCES: the survival kit contains 8 lightsticks, 2 flashlights, 1 Ferrocerium rod, 4 Instafire tinder.
  • BASIC FIRST AID: first aid kit with essentials (first aid guide, bandages, cleansing wipes)